Cadavre Exquis

Cadavre Exquis is all about non narrative story telling and abstract way of film making. This project is based upon various subject like connection between human and nature, freedom and fear.


Fase 1

FASE 1 is the first part of project "Cadavre Exquis". This project is all about non narrative story telling and abstract way of film making. This first instalment of this project is based upon connection between human and nature.

Fase 2

FASE 2 is the second part of project "Cadavre Exquis". In this instalment "Freedom" is being portrayed in non narrative way.


Fase 3

FASE 3 is the third part of project "Cadavre Exquis". Fear is the main theme for this final instalment.

Fase 4

FASE 4 is the final part of project "Cadavre Exquis". It's a reimagining of every fase that has been made before. This instalment is about time.

